Pilar Alcaide, PhD

Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston | US

T cell modulation of cardiac remodeling

Rui Benedito, PhD

Molecular Genetics of Angiogenesis
Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC)
Madrid, ES

Novel insights into angiogenesis from ratiometric mosaic functional genetics

Slava Epelman, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Peter Munk Cardiac Centre,
Department of Medicine
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto | CA

The role of macrophages in cardiac tissue injury

Mariona Graupera, PhD

Endothelial Pathobiology and Microenvironmental Lab
Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
Barcelona | ES

Understanding endothelial cell heterogeneity in adipose tissue

Andrés Hidalgo, PhD

Department of Immunobiology
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven | US

Immune-metabolic coupling in the heart

Joanna Kalucka, PhD

Laboratory of Angiogenesis and Inflammation
Department of Biomedicine
Aarhus University
Aarhus | DK

Metabolism, inflammation, and interferon: Their intertwining impact on blood vessel biology

Anja Karlstaedt, MD, PhD

Department of Cardiology,
Smidt Heart Institute
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles | US

Metabolic rewiring and epigenetic regulation of the heart

Christoph Kuppe, MD, PhD

Quantitative Cell Dynamics and Translational Systems Biology
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen | DE

Multimodal graph optimal transport for patient-level multiomics analysis of the human heart

Jonas Neher, PhD

Biomedical Center Munich, Biochemistry
LMU Munich & German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) e.V.
Munich | DE

Medin amyloid drives age- and Alzheimer’s disease-associated neurovascular dysfunction

Paul Riley, PhD

Institute of Developmental & Regenerative Medicine
University of Oxford
Oxford | UK

Targeting the cardiac lymphatics to optimise heart repair

Sabine Steffens, PhD

Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention
LMU Munich
Munich | DE

Innate immunity in cardiac repair and vascular disease

Stephen White, PhD

International Centre for Life
Newcastle University
Newcastle | UK

The cell stress car crash – insights into the initiation of plaque erosion

Kai C. Wollert, MD

Division of Molecular and Translational Cardiology
Department of Cardiology and Angiology
Hannover Medical School
Hannover | DE

Myeloid cell control of myocardial angiogenesis

Karina Yaniv, PhD

Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology
Weizmann Institute of Science
Revohot | IL

Vascular control of organ growth and regeneration